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Deep in the volcanic hills of Shasta lived a cheerful chipmunk named Charlie. Charlie was a little different than most chipmunks, as the only family he’d ever known was the welcoming pack of wolves that raised him.

Charlie and his wolfpack did everything together.
They howled at the moon...

They howled at the trees...

They prowled in flowers they were allergic to...

But Charlie’s favorite thing was eating breakfast with the pack. Every morning they got together to eat and swap stories of the heroic things they’d done. Ben told of the pups he rescued from the roaring river. Gail spoke of the mountain lion she fended off.

And when the wolves ate too fast, the Elder Wolf reminded them to slow down and use their forks... "What, were you raised by coyotes?"

Charlie hoped one day he’d have his own heroic tale to tell. But he wasn’t strong and fierce like the others, so he settled for cheering on their stories of bravery.

One morning, the pack decided to explore the great Mount Lassen, searching for new things to howl at. They howled at birds, rivers, a turtle named Steve, pine cones, a second turtle that turned out to just be Steve coming back down the trail, clouds, waterfalls, and just about everything else they came across.

Suddenly, as they were howling at a rosebush, they heard a loud rumble. The mountain shook from all the howling, and boulders tumbled down all around the wolves.

When the shaking stopped, the wolves were trapped behind a giant wall of fallen rocks. They tried to climb out, but it was hopeless. The wall was too steep.

But Charlie wasn’t about to give up. He searched the rock wall until he spotted it... a tiny sliver of light between the boulders. The hole was too small for a wolf to fit through, but a chipmunk just might make it.

With the pack cheering him on, Charlie squeezed through the small hole, coming out on the other side of the wall. He climbed up the mountainside and dropped a sturdy vine down for the wolves. One by one, they climbed to safety... Charlie had saved the day.

The next morning, as they dug into their breakfast feast, the wolves swapped the same old stories. Ben told his river rescue. Gail told of the mountain lion she fended off.

Then suddenly, the Elder Wolf stood up to speak... and a hush fell over him... "I want to hear the tale of the chipmunk who saved his pack."

The wolves clapped and cheered as Charlie stepped forward to tell his heroic tale... "OK, OK. I’ll tell the story. But before I do, I just want to say... guys, use your napkins. Were you raised by coyotes?"

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Deep in the volcanic hills of Shasta lived a cheerful chipmunk named Charlie. Charlie was a little different than most chipmunks, as the only family he’d ever known was the welcoming pack of wolves that raised him.

Charlie and his wolfpack did everything together.
They howled at the moon...

They howled at the trees...

They prowled in flowers they were allergic to...

But Charlie’s favorite thing was eating breakfast with the pack. Every morning they got together to eat and swap stories of the heroic things they’d done. Ben told of the pups he rescued from the roaring river. Gail spoke of the mountain lion she fended off.

And when the wolves ate too fast, the Elder Wolf reminded them to slow down and use their forks... "What, were you raised by coyotes?"

Charlie hoped one day he’d have his own heroic tale to tell. But he wasn’t strong and fierce like the others, so he settled for cheering on their stories of bravery.

One morning, the pack decided to explore the great Mount Lassen, searching for new things to howl at. They howled at birds, rivers, a turtle named Steve, pine cones, a second turtle that turned out to just be Steve coming back down the trail, clouds, waterfalls, and just about everything else they came across.

Suddenly, as they were howling at a rosebush, they heard a loud rumble. The mountain shook from all the howling, and boulders tumbled down all around the wolves.

When the shaking stopped, the wolves were trapped behind a giant wall of fallen rocks. They tried to climb out, but it was hopeless. The wall was too steep.

But Charlie wasn’t about to give up. He searched the rock wall until he spotted it... a tiny sliver of light between the boulders. The hole was too small for a wolf to fit through, but a chipmunk just might make it.

With the pack cheering him on, Charlie squeezed through the small hole, coming out on the other side of the wall. He climbed up the mountainside and dropped a sturdy vine down for the wolves. One by one, they climbed to safety... Charlie had saved the day.

The next morning, as they dug into their breakfast feast, the wolves swapped the same old stories. Ben told his river rescue. Gail told of the mountain lion she fended off.

Then suddenly, the Elder Wolf stood up to speak... and a hush fell over him... "I want to hear the tale of the chipmunk who saved his pack."

The wolves clapped and cheered as Charlie stepped forward to tell his heroic tale... "OK, OK. I’ll tell the story. But before I do, I just want to say... guys, use your napkins. Were you raised by coyotes?"
