Libro de recetas de “Real California”
¡Es hora de arremangarse y poner manos a la obra! Nuestro libro de recetas está repleto de nuevas recetas y de tus platos tradicionales favoritos. ¿Y la mejor parte? Está a solo un clic de distancia.
Prep Time: 2 Minutes
Cook Time: 5 Minutes
Whip the butter in a food processor or blender until smooth.
Heat the oil and salt in a small saucepot over medium-low heat. Melt in the caramel, stirring just until combined, then remove from the heat and pour over the butter. Continue whipping until light and airy, and evenly mixed. Transfer the caramel butter to a small bowl or tub and refrigerate, covered, until ready to use.
Yield: About 1 Cup